how to combat cellulite

5 Myths About Cellulite + How to Combat It!

Nicknamed cottage cheese or orange peel skin, Cellulite affects nearly 90% of women at some point during their lives. So whether you're young, old, skinny, fat or even fit, there's a good chance you've seen a little cellulite peaking through somewhere. But don't worry, you're definitely not alone as this cosmetic condition is extremely common (I…

Stages of Weight Loss As Illustrated By Gifs

A more humorous take on weight loss (since most of the time it's a struggle and sucks) I thought I would illustrate what I believe are the stages of weight loss (or if you are a bikini competitor, when you're on prep) via .gifs because who doesn't love a good .gif am I right? LET'S…

10 Minutes HIIT Workout For Weight Loss

“HIIT It Or Quit It” Quick 10 Minute At-Home Workout

Let's take a moment to be real with ourselves - we don't always have the time to make it to the gym or pump out a good 45 minute home workout. And while it's easy to just give up the idea of working out for that day altogether, I'm going to tell you right now…

What Are Macronutrients And Why Are They Important?

If you have ever braved the chaos of a "How to lose weight" Google search, you may have stumbled upon several pages discussing macro counting (assuming you made it past the first few pages of dieting bullshit...). Now, you may stare at this word "Macro" and think to yourself, Macro? Wha's a Macro? Do they mean…

Calculating Protein Fats and Carbs to Reach Your Fitness Goals

Calculating Macros For Your Fitness Goals!

If you've been around the fitness block (or the internet) you may have heard the concept of counting macros floating around. A number of social media influencers and fitness professionals swear by counting macros to achieve your fitness goals. If you are unsure of what macros are and why they're so important then check out…

5 Life Quotes To Get You Motivated

If you have never felt that impending sense of helplessness or complete lack of desire to do anything besides laying in bed all day hugging mint chocolate chip ice cream and binging Stranger Things, then you are either A.) lying or B.) Still lying (or ya know..super motivated or bound by the obligation that is…